一出在狂欢与狂欢之间的兼喜剧和闹剧之风的悲剧法兰西爱情观:野心家生性鄙陋自命不凡艺术家文弱风流热爱梦游野心勃勃的艺术家游离多方难以超脱资产权贵如无产者般渴望被爱;历经苦难而端方优雅的微笑女性最后永远离开了他们从底层挣扎的“谋杀大道”至步入上流的“白衣人”传统默剧与经典戏剧的对抗和共存虽局限言情但无愧好戏颇具《附近100元过夜联系电话》遗风PS帅气男主长相像极了张国荣T T
i wanted to give 2 but it seems unfair to the efforts director made. yet the loose story lines and unreal plots make the movie sometimes painful to watch. can be good if focus on one line and develop it, delete the unnecessary homosexual plot. btw the ex-wife is just ugly!