a LOT to chew on...从出现的阿伦雷乃《妈妈的职业》片段来看哈内克所言非虚:辛德勒名单确实dumb & repulsive.探监戏的叠影比第三度杀人来得惊艳苏科娃的眼睛好看得让人暂时失去所谓正义闪回没商量说起东西德的纽带我都跟着(瞎)感动姐姐妹妹长大后怎么就性格世界观骤然对调了姐姐好爱妹妹&母罪子偿&就不告诉你
短小精悍Their sufferings and chances of happiness, all intertwined with our lives, and what we think, and say, and do. We don't live alone upon the earth. If mankind do not learn his lesson, then the time will come soon when he will be taught in fire, blood, and anguish. 一战